Source code for relaton.serializers.bibxml.authors

from typing import List, Optional
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from lxml import objectify

from ...util import as_list
from ...models.bibdata import Contributor
from ...models.orgs import Organization
from ...models.people import PersonAffiliation
from ...models.contacts import Contact
from ...models.strings import GenericStringValue

__all__ = (

E = objectify.E

AUTHOR_ROLES = set(('author', 'editor', 'publisher'))
"""Relaton contributor roles that represent xml2rfc authors."""

is_author = (
    lambda contrib:
    len(set(as_list(contrib.role or [])) & AUTHOR_ROLES) > 0
"""Returns ``True`` if given Relaton contributor instance
represents an author in xml2rfc domain."""

[docs]def create_author(contributor: Contributor) -> Element: if not is_author(contributor): raise ValueError( "Unable to construct <author>: incompatible roles") if not contributor.organization and not contributor.person: raise ValueError( "Unable to construct <author>: " "neither an organization nor a person") author_el = roles = as_list(contributor.role) if 'editor' in roles: author_el.set('role', 'editor') org: Optional[Organization] = None if contributor.organization: org = contributor.organization elif contributor.person: affiliations: List[PersonAffiliation] = \ as_list(contributor.person.affiliation or []) if len(affiliations) > 0: org = affiliations[0].organization else: org = None if org is not None: # Organization org_el = E.organization(as_list([0]) if org.abbreviation: org_el.set('abbrev', org.abbreviation) author_el.append(org_el) # Address & postal contacts: List[Contact] = as_list( or []) postal_contacts = [ c for c in contacts if ] if len(postal_contacts) > 0 or org.url: addr = E.address() if len(postal_contacts) > 0: contact = postal_contacts[0] postal = E.postal( ) if postal.append( addr.append(postal) if org.url: addr.append(E.uri(org.url)) author_el.append(addr) if contributor.person: name = if name.completename: author_el.set('fullname', name.completename.content) if name.surname: author_el.set('surname', name.surname.content) if name.initial: initials: List[GenericStringValue] = \ as_list(name.initial or []) author_el.set('initials', ' '.join([ i.content.replace('.', ' ').strip() for i in initials ])) return author_el