Source code for relaton.serializers.bibxml.anchor

from typing import List

from ...models.bibdata import BibliographicItem, DocID
from ...util import as_list

__all__ = (

[docs]def format_internet_draft_anchor(id: str, versioned: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns an anchor specific for an Internet Draft. If ``versioned`` is True, ``id`` is assumed to contain a version. :param str id: primary identifier for the I-D :param bool versioned: whether ``id`` is for I-D version or I-D as a whole :rtype: str """ if versioned: return id else: return f"I-D.{id}"
[docs]def get_suitable_anchor(item: BibliographicItem) -> str: """From a :class:`~relaton.models.bibdata.BibliographicItem` instance get best anchor value and return it as a string. :param item: a :class:`bib_models.bibdata.BibliographicItem` instance :returns str: a string to be used as anchor :rtype: str :raises ValueError: unable to obtain an anchor """ docids: List[DocID] = as_list(item.docid or []) for docid in docids: if docid.type.lower() == 'internet-draft': is_versioned_draft = item.version and any([ (v and v.draft) for v in as_list(item.version) # mypy error here ^ suggests it doesn’t handle generics well ]) return format_internet_draft_anchor(, versioned=True if is_versioned_draft else False) elif docid.scope == 'anchor': return try: anchor_docid: DocID = ( [d for d in docids if d.primary] or docids)[0] except IndexError: raise ValueError("No suitable anchor could be determined") else: return